W3C: the Access of People with Disabilities

This Portal provides access to the Persons with Disabilities (PWDS) / Disability Access.

Low Vision Users Glare

For low vision users glare, there are several color options available on each page of the Portal. The user can choose the contraindications of selection of a given color that is Dark (dark), Medium (medium) and Bright (light). Color templates page of the Portal will be changed immediately after the selection is made.

Elderly Users

For elderly users, this Portal provides the convenience of a choice of different text sizes w3c. The choice of the size of the text displayed in each page of the Portal. The user can choose whether to select the text size larger or smaller, according to the suitability.

Search Function

The use of a Search Engine is simple steps to find the information you want. The Search engine supports the use of Wildcards and Boolean Operators when doing a search.


You can use the example format like this while doing a search such as the following: Technology*

The search will list any information that contains the keyword “technology”

Boolean Operators

Anda boleh menggunakan perkataan “AND”, “OR”, parenthesis, =, >, <, <=, >=

The following is an example of a format you can use: the “SCIENCE” AND “INNOVATION”

Boolean Operators allow you to narrow the scope of the search to the subject more specific.

The Frequency Of Portal Updated

Changes, updates, and information is done on a daily basis. However, not all the page is updated on a daily basis.

Web Browser

This Portal is developed using technologies that prioritize speed, security and usability for the user. For the best view of the Portal, you are recommended to use:

  1. Microsoft's Internet Explorer / EDGE
  2. Mozilla Firefox
  3. Google Chrome
  4. Opera


The ministry of trying to make the Portal meets the standard criteria outlined by the World Wide Web Consortium and can always be reached from any network. Yet the Ministry also acquiesced in the event that you discover any error while browsing this Portal. Therefore, if you are facing the issue of access to the information in this Portal, please contact us at the contact page provided.


This Portal has some of the policy and the copyright notice that explains the conditions of use of the information and material available on the Portal. The Privacy policy explains how the Ministry to protect the information that you have shared in this Portal.

Terms and Conditions of Use of the Portal

Use of this website is subject to the Security Policy of the Web .

What do I need to do if find any links that do not work?

The ministry of apology in case you find links that don't work while browsing this Portal. Any cooperation that you gave to report the link does not work so being able to do the correction was very appreciated.