- 1973 – the Ministry of Technology, Research and Local Government
- 1976 – in Accordance with the functions and responsibilities related to environmental issues, the name of the Ministry was changed to Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE)
- 2004 – The Cabinet on March 27, 2004 has agreed to the restructuring of MOSTE and the Ministry’s name was changed to Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) in order to spearhead the development of National ICT, Multimedia and Innovation.
- 2007 – the Function of science and technology separated by cluster of Biotechnology, ICT, Industry, Space, Sea and Atmosphere, and Science and Technology Core
- 2016 – On October 3, 2016, MOSTI re-structured with the focus to accelerate on promoting the commercialization R&D and national innovation programs
- 2018 – After a General Election to the 14 (PRU-14), the whole component of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), the components of the energy and green technology from the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) and related components of climate change and environment of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) has been reorganized and formed the Ministry of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment & Climate Change (MESTECC).
- 2020 – MESTECC has been re-structured and its name was changed to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) following the Formation of the Cabinet of the New Government announced on 9 March 2020
A High-Tech Nation Through Science, Technology, Innovation and Economy (STIE)
Malaysia will become a High-Tech Nation by:
- Leading advanced technology and innovation to increase our country’s global competitiveness.
- Prospering national technology development by strengthening policy and regulation.
- Providing effective and efficient STIE enablers and services through agile governance.
- Harnessing talent through inclusive approach for high performance delivery.
- Communicating science effectively for accelerated STIE growth.
Spearheading STIE to Address National Issues and Challenges for Societal Well-being and Sustainable Development
- Leading STIE development through R&D&C&I towards wealth creation and High-Tech Nation for economic growth, environmental sustainability and societal well-being.
- Developing STIE enablers and providing services in responding to national issues through scientific approach, advanced technology and capacity building.
- Planning and enculturating STIE in all aspects of life and society to achieve High-Tech Nation and shared prosperity.