
The International Division, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) was officially formed in 1991. Initially, this Division consisted of five (5) Units—Bilateral Unit 1 (Europe/America/Australia), Bilateral Unit 2 ( Asia), ASEAN/APEC Unit, Multilateral Unit and Administrative Unit. The total staff at that time was 17 people.

During the reorganization of the Ministry in 2007, this Division underwent a minor structural transformation. All Units, except the Administrative Unit, have been aligned under a new section, the Technical Cooperation Section, to reflect the main functions of the Units. Another new section known as the Trade Promotion and Promotion Mission Section has been established to coordinate trade and promotion programs by MOSTI and local agencies related to Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) abroad; help formulate MOSTI's position on trade matters related to STI; and to coordinate MOSTI's involvement in trade agreement negotiations among members of the World Trade Organization (WTO), particularly in areas related to STI and MOSTI's functions. The Administrative Unit has not changed to this day.

Currently, the International Division consists of a total of 21 staff members. Thirteen (13) staffs comprise the Management and Professional Group (all are from the Administrative and Diplomatic service scheme) and eight (8) staffs from the Support Group.


  1. Spearheading the Ministry as the coordinator and focal point in international cooperation in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation among government ministries and agencies and the private sector in Malaysia.
  2. Enhancing cooperation at international level in line with MOSTI’s Visions that is Generates Knowledge, Create Wealth and well-being of the Community
  3. Enhancing cooperation in the fields of Science, Technology and Innovation with ASEAN member states and its dialogue partners.
  4. Extending cooperation in the fields of Science, Technology and ICT with other countries, international bodies and agencies to benefit from the advancement in Science, Technology and Innovation towards contributing to the economic growth of the country.

Roles And Responsibilities

European/American/African/Oceania Cooperation Unit (Bilateral 1) and Asian Unit (Bilateral 2)

Strengthening cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation with the countries of Europe, America, Africa, Oceania and Asia:

  1. through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Agreement;
  2. by coordinating the participation of Malaysia in the programs and joint projects;
  3. by coordinating the participation of the delegation of the MOSTI in the conference and events abroad; and
  4. by coordinating the visit of delegations from these countries.


Ensure effective Malaysian participation in the following programmes and projects:

  1. ASEAN Ministerial Meetings on Science, Technology and Innovation (AMMSTI);
  2. ASEAN Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation (COSTI) Meetings;
  3. ASEAN COSTI Dialogue Partners’ Meetings;
  4. APEC Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation (PPSTI)

Multilateral Cooperation Unit (Multilateral)

Operates as Malaysia’s focal point for Science, Technology and Innovation cooperation in multilateral bodies. This unit:

  1. Secretariat to the National Committee of OIC-COMSTECH and to the Permanent Subcommittee on Science to the National Commission for UNESCO Malaysia; and
  2. To coordinates Malaysia’s/MOSTI’s participation in the NAM S&T Centre, G15 (NAM), Asia-Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology, Commonwealth Science Council and D8 (Group of Developing Islamic Member Countries).

Trade & Promotion Mission Unit

  1. To coordinate MOSTI and local agencies’ trade and promotion programmes which related to Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) abroad;
  2. To help formulate MOSTI’s stance in trade matters which are related to STI; and
  3. To engage in trade agreement negotiations among members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) especially in areas related to STI / MOSTI functions.

Administration Unit

  1. Manage matters of general administration and finance Division.

Client Charter

We are committed to uphold the country’s aspiration to be a developed nation, through Science, Technology and Innovation by;

  1. Enhancing activities related to transfer of technology, scientific services and usage of appropriate technology;
  2. Responsible for organizing and coordinating all international cooperation projects, technical assistance and other forms of international cooperation, in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation;
  3. Coordinating and strengthening the existing bilateral cooperation programmes;
  4. Enhancing strategic relationships with the foreign countries and international growth to improve the development in Science, Technology and Innovation;
  5. Providing continuous support to international cooperation programmes by Ministry and its agencies; and
  6. establishing ties with countries of mutual interests through Memorandums of Understanding (MoU).