
The Administration Division is in tandem and helps each other from one side to another. This division is responsible for providing effective support services and providing efficient and seamless services.

To ensure that MOSTI's programmes and activities run smoothly and smoothly, the division is constantly following the development and sensitivity with the planning, implementation of MOSTI programs and activities from time to time. Therefore this section is generally involved in all programs and activities of other parts under MOSTI.


  1. Monitor assets under the custody of MOSTI
  2. To ensure that support services are provided to the needy Divisions and Units in accordance with guidelines and procedures.
  3. Ensure all security aspects for MOSTI staff, documents/information/buildings and assets are protected

Roles And Responsibilities


  1. Secretariat for the implementation of activities under PKPA
  2. Coordinating MOSTI Events/Programmes/Celebrations such as Maal Hijrah, Maulidur Rasul, National Day and Employee's Day
  3. Secretariat for Senior Officer Meeting
  4. Coordinate matters related to the administration of the MOSTI
  5. To coordinate the needs of the logistics and maintenance of the office space


  1. Manage acceptance and registration of MOSTI assets
  2. Manage disposal applications, manage loss and write-off of assets in MOSTI departments/agencies or divisions
  3. Manage the appointment of asset officers, disposal examiner board members, investigation committee, asset checker officer and stock verifier
  4. Secretariat for Government Asset Management Committee Meeting (JPAAK)
  5. Manage annual reports to be submitted to central agency
  6. Office Space Committee Meeting


  1. Cleaning of office space/civil and landscape maintenance
  2. MOSTI security monitoring and coordination

Client Charter

Preparation Minutes of Meeting

  1. Every minutes of meetings which involves this department as its secretariat shall be completed and distributed to members within three (3) working days.

Management Letter-a letter of the Ministry of

  1. The letter received will be on the shortlist and distributed on the same day after the letter is received unless the letter received after the break time, will be sent the next day
  2. Mail delivered by hand would be sent on the same day or on the following day
  3. Make sure letter isolated with good and put in the mail room of the recipient

Damage complaints Office Tools and Building

  1. All complaints received will be receiving a immediate action
  2. Responsible contractor will inspect and maintain the damage within 15 minutes of receiving the complaint


  1. To ensure that the process of requesting office equipments and stationery’s to be completed within 1 hour upon receiving the application

Booking Official Vehicle Office

  1. Applications/request for booking of MOSTI official vehicles would be processed immediately upon receiving it. The result would be confirmed within 24 hours of request

Security Pass

  1. To ensure the security pass is prepared within 5 working days upon receiving the request.