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By 2015-06-12#!31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:004131#31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:00-2+08:003131+08:00x31 09pm31pm-31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:002+08:003131+08:00x312017Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800402403pmThursday=321#!31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:00+08:003#March 9th, 2017#!31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:004131#/31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:00-2+08:003131+08:00x31#!31Thu, 09 Mar 2017 14:40:41 +0800+08:00+08:003#No Comments

SAN FRANCISCO, 12 JUNE 2015 – Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation (BiotechCorp), the lead agency for biotechnology industry in Malaysia enhanced its collaboration with the United States of America (US) with the launching of its flagship office, BiotechCorp International Inc.(BII) in San Francisco.
Since BiotechCorp’s incorporation in 2005, the organisation has undertaken various business development and collaboration with Qualitative Bio Sciences (QB3) and Larta and US based companies, including giant industry players like Abbott Medical Optics (AMO) and Haemonetics, and exciting new players like Verdezyne Inc.

The establishment of BiotechCorp’s US-based flagship office will be the contact point for bio-based and biotechnology sectors in the country, as the USA is a hub for biotechnology venture capitalists and funders, and one of the leading biotechnology markets in the world. This US-based office will provide Malaysian and US bio-based companies with the necessary support for business development activities in bringing in FDIs as well as market access.

“The opening of BiotechCorp’s office in San Francisco underlines the full support given by the Malaysian government and the Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation (MOSTI) in creating a competitive and innovation-friendly environment to propel Malaysia towards a developed nation status,” said Datuk Dr Ewon Ebin, the Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation of Malaysia who officiated BiotechCorp’s office.

“It shows how resolute we are in expanding Malaysia’s business and economic interests in the bio-based industry across the globe. I hope the BiotechCorp office will spur Malaysia’s own economic growth by attracting key innovative partners from USA to invest in the country and to maximise Malaysia’s immense business potential in the bio-based industry.”

“This is an exceptional occasion for us, as it is historic to launch our first international office outside of Malaysia. We are very fortunate to be based here to foster partnerships between USA and Malaysian bio-based companies and to provide a platform for Malaysian biotechnology companies and entrepreneurs to tap into the vast experience, knowledge and innovation of San Francisco’s leading bio-innovation ecosystem,” said Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Nazlee Kamal, Chief Executive Officer of BiotechCorp.

“We are thrilled that BiotechCorp chose to locate their flagship office in San Francisco, known as both the birthplace of biotechnology and the Innovation Capital of the World. The opening is a testament to the City’s vibrant economy where biotech is creating jobs while driving science and health. We look forward to strengthening the relationship between Malaysia’s biotech industry and our City,” said Todd Rufo, Director of the Office of Economic Development.

The San Francisco Specialized Investment Mission (SF SIM) is organised on the sidelines of this official opening of BiotechCorp’s San Francisco Office. The event provides an ideal platform for BiotechCorp to present the growth, development, and opportunities in the bio-based Industry in Malaysia to potential leads in the USA.

“We are keen to hear the USA perspective on the achievements of the Malaysian biotechnology industry to date and especially to hear their views as to how Malaysia can escalate results as we move into the globalisation phase,” added Dato’ Nazlee.

BiotechCorp has been driving biotechnology forward in Malaysia and has turned it into a game-changing engine for the country’s economy. The biotechnology market in Asia Pacific has shown solid growth at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.8% between 2010 and 2014. The presence of BiotechCorp in San Francisco is set to advance the local bio-based landscape to the global market while building and sustaining the industry’s competitive advantage to drive Malaysia’s bioeconomy forward.

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