The Development Division was initially known as the 'Development and Procurement Division' which carried out development, fund management and procurement functions. After the restructuring of MOSTI through through warrant Bil.E78 2007 dated 16 December 2007,the Development and Procurement Division was renamed as The Development Division. Currently, the Division conducts budget management/ coordination and implementation of development projects under the Five-Year Malaysia Plan (RMLT) for all departments / agencies / divisions under MOSTI.
- To provide support service to the Ministry and its divisions/departments/agencies in harnessing the progress of science, technology and innovation through efficient and effective management of the budget and development projects under the Ministry
Roles And Responsibilities
- To coordinate and monitor projects/programs under the Rolling Plans of the 10th Malaysia Plan.
- To distribute the yearly allocation to enable the Divisions, Departments, Agencies under the Ministry to implement development projects.
- To be the secretariat for the Ministry’s Development Action Committee Meeting (MDAC).
- To be the secretariat for the Ministry’s Development Action Committee Pre Council Meeting (MDAC).
- To coordinate and monitor the updating of development projects’/programs’ information through the Project Monitoring System (SPPII).
- To conduct site visits for development projects/programs regularly to monitor the implementation of the projects/programs.
- To coordinate and assist the Divisions/Departments/Agencies under MOSTI in matters of land application with the Departments of the Director General of Lands and Mines (JKPTG).
- To manage the National Innovation Fund (TIN) effective 1 November 2010.
- To prepare the expenditure and projects’/programs’ report to the central agencies.
Client Charter
We are determined to provide services with full commitment, integrity, accountability and welcoming as an attempt to satisfy the customer. We strive to perfect the responsibility, which are:-
- To distribute allocation warrants to the divisions/departments/agencies within 5 working days upon receiving the general warrant from the Ministry of Finance
- To update expenditure records and implementation status of development projects before 25th of every month
- Submit cash flows on a quarterly basis for development allocation expenditure to the Ministry of Finance within 5 working days after application by the Ministry of Finance
- To assist in applications of land acquisition as project sites to the Department of the Director General of Lands and Mines (JKPTG) within 5 working days from the date of application as received from the departments/agencies/divisions
- Provide feedback on customer inquiries