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Inno Bio To Become A National Centre For Commercialisation And Skill Development In Biomanufacturing

By 2014-08-19#!31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:005831#31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:00-2+08:003131+08:00x31 14pm31pm-31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:002+08:003131+08:00x312020Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +08000320312pmMonday=321#!31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:00+08:0012#December 14th, 2020#!31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:005831#/31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:00-2+08:003131+08:00x31#!31Mon, 14 Dec 2020 14:03:58 +0800+08:00+08:0012#No Comments



PUTRA NILAI, 19th AUGUST 2014 – Yang Berhormat Datuk Dr. Ewon Ebin, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia (MOSTI), today visited Inno Bio Biopharmaceutical Facilities located in Putra Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. Also present, Y.Brs. Dr. Zulkifli Bin Mohamed Hashim, Deputy Secretary General (Science), MOSTI and Y.Brs. Puan Noor Khalidah Binti Md. Khalid, Deputy Under Secretary, Planning Section (BIOTEK), MOSTI.

Impressed with the skilled talent of molecular biologists, biochemical engineers and other experienced talent in Inno Bio, YB Datuk Dr. Ewon highlighted the important contributions of the company presently making in developing high skilled manpower in Malaysia.

“In MOSTI, we emphasize on the importance of nurturing the science and bringing them to market sustainably.  Science is one of a powerful factor for effective positive social change.  The Malaysian government is continuously putting efforts to support the knowledge-based economy”, says YB Datuk Dr. Ewon Ebin.

Much of the world is preparing for a future dependent on science and technology.  Furthermore, the potential benefit to better quality of healthcare has attracting many economies throughout the world towards biologics industry.

Many countries is charting and mapping out capabilities, acquiring knowledge and skills to become experts in biopharmaceutical industry which government found it crucial to the society.  The establishment of Inno Biologics is the testimonial of the Government initiatives to develop biotechnology industry.  We can see that human capitals are continuously being trained to provide the required services.

Unfortunately, like any other industries, the biopharmaceutical industry are facing challenges too.  However, despite challenges, it has tremendous potential to the economy and the opportunity to improve Malaysian quality of life with services and products.

“I realize it is not going to happen overnight.  But a comprehensive plan will enhance the effort towards realizing the benefits and bring significant economic contributions together with various positive social implications,” Ewon added.

MOSTI is also committed to support Inno Bio in materialising their business turnaround plan for facility expansion inclusive of fill and finish facility and extension of manufacturing line for Inno Bio to become a National Centre for Commercialisation and Skill Development in Biomanufacturing. It is critical for the country to have the facility gazetted as the National Strategic Asset for DRUG SECURITY PROGRAM.

In addition to the above, MOSTI is also embarking into several initiatives with a technology partner for the following projects:

•    To combat dengue outbreak by using innovative and safe biotechnology product to control the mosquito larvae.

•    To establish a hub for regenerative medicine therapy technology by using stem cell.  This will include cryogenic banking as an optional personalised treatment for cancer therapy and genetically related diseases.

“Looking at Inno Bio capabilities and capacities,  MOSTI strongly believes Inno Bio would be able to undertake both projects”, says Ewon.
“We are shocked by latest development of dengue fever. In Kelantan alone, a number of 8,074 dengue cases was reported until July this year, with 12 deaths compared to 839 cases with 1 death last year. Therefore, Inno Bio is ready to take the challenge proposed by MOSTI”, says Y.Bhg. Datuk Dr. Ahmed Tasir Bin Lope Pihie, President, Inno Bio Ventures Sdn. Bhd.
In summary, Biotechnology can be one of the lucrative industries to support the economic growth.  Through this industry, it will tremendously boost the Nation’s economy. MOSTI sees the role of healthcare as one of the flagship sectors, and Inno Bio’s business plan is extremely critical towards creating opportunities and sustainability in innovative healthcare industry.  Furthermore, it will contribute and promote the innovative product development and product commercialization in congruent with the commercialization year champion by MOSTI.

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