The STI Enculturation and Services Division (PSTI) is one of the main divisions under MOSTI (Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation). It is responsible for planning, coordinating, managing, implementing, and monitoring initiatives, programs, and activities aimed at achieving the goals of STI (Science, Technology, and Innovation) culture and talent coordination in the field of STI.

The primary objectives entrusted to the PSTI Division are to support and achieve the two (2) Core Thrusts outlined in the National Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (DSTIN) 2021-2030. These thrusts are:

  1. Core Thrust 4: Adaptive STI Talent
  2. Core Thrust 5: Cultivation and Application STIE
Bil. Unit


Roles and Responsiblities


1. Unit Enculturation Responsible for planning, coordinating, managing, and implementing the main STI cultivation programs under MOSTI, namely National Science Week (MSN) and Malaysia Techlympics (MT).


2. Unit Outreach Responsible for planning, coordinating, managing, and executing STI outreach programs, including sponsorship programs and STEM Camps organized by MOSTI.


3. Unit MyIS Responsible for planning, coordinating, and monitoring the implementation of STI social innovation initiatives, particularly under the auspices of the Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia (YIM).


4. Unit Talent Responsible for planning, coordinating, and monitoring talent development programs in STI based on industry needs, especially through deeptech and futureskills programs. Also, coordinates roles related to registration and recognition under Act 768 and the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT). deeptech and futureskills, dan menyelaras peranan berkaitan pendaftaran dan pengiktirafan di bawah Akta 768 serta Malaysia Board of Technologist (MBOT).


5. Unit RISE Responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing communication platforms between STI experts and industries. Also oversees responsibilities under Act 304 and the Department of Atomic Energy (Atom Malaysia).


6. Administration Unit Responsible for planning, coordinating, and managing administrative, human resource, and financial aspects at the division level.


Under Maintenance