PUTRAJAYA, OCTOBER 14 – Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) advocates standards compliance in everyday life among various groups of stakeholders such as the industry, government, regulators as well as the rakyat.
“Today marks the World Standards Day (WSD) with the theme “Standards Build Trust”. A product or service conforming to an international standard is certified by a trusted symbol of quality, safety or compatibility and ultimately give benefits and confidence to the rakyat.
“In the business world, “trust” is something that has to be earned, and achieving the trust is the ultimate branding that can launch a business into the international arena in meeting the world demand for quality products and services at competitive prices,” said YB Datuk Seri Panglima Madius Tangau, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.
“MOSTI through the Department of Standards Malaysia has developed more than 6,000 Malaysian Standards (MS) in 25 economic sectors; around 7 per cent (425) MS is being referred to as mandatory standards by 16 regulators i.e. Ministry of Health (food standards); Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism (toys standards), Road Transport Department (tyres, helmet etc), Energy Commission (electrical appliance), MCMC (information technology equipment) among others.
“Several standards on halal testing methods, halal vaccines, honey kelulut etc. are now currently being developed,” added YB Datuk Seri Panglima Madius Tangau.
“In Celebrating WSD, Standards Malaysia and MCMC will jointly organise Fun Run 2016 this coming Sunday on October 16 in Cyberjaya. We hope that this programme can increase the runners’ awareness on the importance of standards and to choose products and services with recognised certification labels.
“So far, we have received an overwhelming response from the public to participate in the run. We have many attractive prizes lined-up for the lucky draw contest.
“Jom, let’s run for standard. #adastandarduntung,” concluded YB Datuk Seri Panglima Madius Tangau.